All I know so far

Hello, my kinky friends!

This is your long, lost naughty sex blogger here.  Well, the only thing that is lost is my libido.  Seriously… I can’t figure out where I left that thing. Hoping to find it soon!

In all seriousness, life has been hard lately.  Daddy has been in a lot of pain, dealing with a new infection in his kidneys, and his spirits have been low.  I do my best to remain positive, but some days I fail miserably.  Today was one of those days.

I wish I had better news.  I wish I could turn my mind to naughty girls getting the spankings they need by the strict men in their lives who love them and want them to be better behaved.  I wish I were shopping for kinky toys or new paddles.  I wish I felt like touching myself.  I tried earlier and gave up after a while…I just don’t have it in me right now.  It’s funny how chronic stress can do that to you.

A few of you have continued to write to me.  I am sorry I don’t have the energy to be a better pen pal right now.  I miss you and our naughty interactions.  But that part of me… the lively, fun, sexy part.. it is lost right now.  I sure hope I connect with that girl again someday.  I miss her terribly.

Don’t get me wrong.  I am not giving up.  I am not closing this blog.  But I’m not around much right now.  There is just too much going on and I am being stretched thin.  Please don’t take it personally if I am not reading or commenting on your blogs much.  I try to log in every few days, but it is beginning to be farther and farther in between times that I feel up to doing so.

That’s all I know so far.

Be well, my friends.  I hope you are finding joy and living your best lives.  Thank you for the impact you’ve had on my journey.  Thank you for all the love and support over the years.  I hope to be back here, in this space, writing again one day.  But until then… keep it kinky.

With love,


62 thoughts on “All I know so far

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    1. Thank you, my friend! That really means a lot to me. I certainly don’t think my sexuality has faded away forever… I will reconnect with that part of myself and some point, and I imagine when I do…there will be lots of kinky posts again. Much love ❤ XOXO

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Honestly, I feel this in my heart and soul. I lived like this for the last several years, trapped in the chronic stress of how I was living.

    I know how much it sucks. How frustrating it can be to want to be your “old self” but not sure how to get to that person anymore.

    It will pass but you may never be quite that same person again. But you will become someone you enjoy and recognize again.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nora
    Please take care of yourself and your man. Spring is here and new growth. Remember to live in the present and enjoy each day as the gift it is with both the good and the bad.
    May the sun shine on you and yours to bring you warmth.
    Be well
    Take care of each other and we will read when you write.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m sorry nora. Excuse my language but kidney infections are a b*tch. But everyone I know who’s had one has come out on the other side stronger and I know your husband will too. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself too love. Sending hugs. 💕

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Life happens. Its important that you focus on Daddy and your own life…I am sorry to hear that things are not going well for him. It is always a treat to hear from you and to read your posts, but having been through a quiet period myself recently, it is so understandable. Be good, be well, and take care…and we will all send lots of healing thoughts your way.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh dear, thats life sometimes. I have some experience with losing libidos and finding them again in the strangest places. Whish you and your partner the best! Hugs, kisses and spanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Life and family matters always come first. This blog can wait till you’re ready to return.
    Know that you have friends here that wish for only the best for you.
    We’ll all still be here when you’re ready.
    Stay strong and positive my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Sometimes life is just a long list of expletives, that I would have to delete if I typed them. We all have to take time out from stuff, don’t worry about that. I hope that things are getting better, though.


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    1. I have no idea what you are asking here my friend. If you mean, where did the name “nora” come from… it was born from my imagination to capture the spirit of the submissive girl within.


            1. I don’t share my true identity with my readers or anywhere on my blog, Deepchand. I am able to openly write about my sexual experience in a way that makes me feel safe and comfortable because this blog is anonymous.


  8. Certainly understand where you are in your journey – especially seeing as I seem to be in a similar place. BUT as everyone told me when I stepped back from blogging – we’ll be here when you return 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I am sorry I missed this post until now. Just hang in there as best you can Hon and make sure you are getting plenty of sun and fresh air for yourself as you continue to work through your Daddy’s health issues. We are all here for you when you are ready sweet young lady. Healing hugs and kisses to you Hon

        Liked by 1 person

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