
On a rather uneventful Wednesday afternoon, I find myself moving about my office, cleaning and organizing, acutely aware that my skirt is tucked up into the waistband and that anyone passing by would have a clear view of my bare behind as I had somehow lost my panties…

Thank goodness I am in my home office!  The only prying eyes here are those of my furry companions, and they don’t seem to give a darn about my state of dress, or undress.

And yet, I feel incredibly self-conscious as my skirt swishes around my thighs, the air conditioning blowing a cool breeze across my bottom.  There is something about being almost completely dressed, yet bare in that one place on my body, that makes me feel more naked than actually being naked.

So…why am I cleaning and organizing my office with my bare behind on full display, you ask?  LOL.

The last couple of months, Sir has implemented new daily structure for me.  This began at my request, however, after the initial trial-month period, Sir became fully invested in establishing this structure and holding me accountable to completing my daily exercises.  We’ve dubbed these exercises my “daily exercises in submission” and each day of the week, I complete a designated activity.  Each month, the exercises are switched out (or modified) and the daily schedule changes. 

Every Wednesday afternoon during the month of May, I’ve been made to wear my submission skirt, tucked up and folded into the waistband the way Sir likes it.  Sir has enjoyed me wearing this skirt for him on Zoom sans panties, of course.  In addition to wearing the skirt without panties, tucked up to reveal my bare bottom, I engage in some sort of cleaning or organizational task, hence the cleaning of my office on this particular day.  When I have completed my task, I then write a short reflection on the exercise, and send the write up to Sir the following day.  If he’s lucky, he gets a picture too 😉

My daily exercises in submission have had a profound impact on my ability to remain in a submissive headspace.  While Sir and I instant message often, talk on the phone every other day or so, and meet on Zoom 1-2 times per week, like the naughty girl that I am, I can sometimes fall into old, unhealthy habits.  I’ve found lately though, that I am more consistently feeling “softer” in my relationships (especially with Sir), feeling more submissive, and have a stronger focus on behaving in ways that please Sir.  I find myself more aware of being a submissive girl and all that this entails.  I have felt more peaceful, more at ease within myself, and more grateful for the life I lead and the D/s dynamic that I am in. 

Each day, I wake up, knowing that I have a task to complete for my Sir.  I begin my day by emailing him the short write-up on whatever activity I completed the day before.  I find myself savoring the thought of completing these activities for him, even though many of them have nothing to do with dominance and submission, spanking, or even something remotely sexual.  Perhaps that sounds odd to you, and you might wonder what these activities have to do with my D/s dynamic if they don’t include some element of power exchange or sex.  The answer to that is found in a word that I find all consuming and powerful… obedience.  Each day, I am given the opportunity to obey my Sir by completing an activity of his choosing.  And each day, this reinforces my submission to him.

You might be wondering what my weekly schedule currently looks like and I will gladly share that with you.

On Mondays~ I am to practice Gorean slave positions.  I compiled a list for Sir at the beginning of the month, and I have six positions that I have been practicing.  Last week on Zoom, Sir directed me to demonstrate these poses for him.  I blushed hotly as I obeyed him, facing toward the camera, and dropping into each pose.  Sir then had me turn around and demonstrate the positions facing away from him, my nether regions bare to his gaze.

On Tuesdays~ On this day, I write a gratitude list by hand in a beautiful leather journal.  When I have completed my list, I take a photo of my work, and send this to Sir.

On Wednesdays~ This is the day where I wear my submission skirt, tucked up in back, while I complete a cleaning/organizational activity around the house.

On Thursdays~ This is the day where I focus my writing on something related to D/s.  Each week, I’ve been writing on topics related to D/s (i.e. communication, sexuality, obedience, respect, etc.) and at the end of the month, I will compile them into a comprehensive piece.

On Fridays~ I believe this is currently Sir’s favorite exercise for me to complete.  On this day, I rub capsaicin cream (a highly potent version) onto my sit spots and backs of my thighs.  Within ten minutes, my bottom is stinging, similar to what the aftermath of a spanking feels like.  This sensation lasts most of the day.  I am to write about how I experienced this (and I often am out running errands or meeting with friends on this day) and share my write up with Sir.

On Saturdays~ I am currently reading and working out of The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron.  This book was designed to help artists unblock themselves and begin creating again.  I LOVE this exercise.

On Sundays~ On this day, I work in my Shadow Journal Workbook.  This is based on the work of Carl Jung and is helping me explore the more difficult parts of myself.  Don’t worry, my friends.  I’ve done this sort of work with my therapist, and I approach this in a thoughtful way, always engaging in self-care afterwards.  I share my work with Sir so that he may continue to explore my heart and my mind. 

So, there you have it!  I feel immersed in my submission to Sir and happy as a clam in my dynamic with him.  Thank you for continuing to follow my kinky journey, my friends.  Oh…and if you have any ideas for exercises in submission for the month of June, please share them below.  I look forward to hearing your naughty thoughts 😊

With love and submission,


48 thoughts on “Obedience

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    1. Thank you for reading, my friend! It’s been a great month with regard to my submission. I’ve greatly enjoyed this schedule, but am looking forward to whatever June brings as well. XOXO

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Hello beautiful Nora. This post resonates with me. In so many ways, the more mundane and the more regular the task the more complete our submission. It is a beautiful feeling. The feeling of being cared for, of knowing you can let go and someone is there for you. The routine is a form of presence.

    I got that book too, but just before I stopped working with the therapist who recommended it. Now I just have too much to read.

    One of the dynamics I have enjoyed came via the App Strides. In that, you set goals of all kinds…I did mine and presented them to, and discussed them with my Domme. I send her my report every day. Days where I have missed I am asked to explain myself. She also shares hers with me and has told me that she expects full-throated support when she hits her goals

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hello, beautiful! I was glad to learn of someone else who has this book. I will be honest and share that I bought this book nearly 20 years ago…and it has been collecting dust on my shelf ever since. I am grateful to be reading it now and working through the exercises, focusing on my creative self. It’s been really good for me ❤

      Liked by 2 people

      1. It has been a really wonderful addition to my life for me as an effective human, but also really deepened my bonds with my domme in mundane ways, which made 24/7 TPE feel so much more real and nurturing to me.

        Of course there are other apps too, only for people you trust completely, ones that track your online activity, track your whereabouts, and of course there is also obedience, the BDSM app…but Strides ticks all the boxes for me along with Insight Timer which is meditation and mindfulness exercises

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you for sharing this! Sir and I just use the Microsoft To-Do app. I am required to create a To-Do list each day, which he may add additional tasks to. By 3pm in the afternoon (my time) I am to reach out with an explanation if I feel I will be unable to complete my list and ask for his permission to move items off to the next day. This process has really helped me to figure out what I am capable of completing in a day and sticking to it. When I don’t, the result is a sore bottom for me. XOXO

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, olivia. I’m grateful for our continued connection. While we definitely experience ebbs and flows, he still makes my heart beat fast and my world a little brighter. He is a compelling man. XOXO

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m so impressed that you can do the D/s thing and your Sir isn’t there with you and I admit that you now have me wondering what a “submission skirt” looks like. Just be careful with capsaicin; it can cause burns that you might not find enjoyable.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hello, kdaddy. I’ve thought of you lately, wondering how your health is. It is great to hear from you today. My “submission skirt” is just a regular skirt, but one that I only wear at his direction. It is short, light pink, and swishy. Thank you for the warning about capsaicin! I actually wear gloves when applying it and am very careful where I put it (never too close to my naughtiest places), just on my bottom and backs of thighs. Capsaicin cream is no joke. It creates an intense burn. XOXO

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m doing fine, Nora – and I love you for asking! Getting over the treatments is a very slow process as is dealing with the stuff the treatments caused and some stuff that appears will be permanent, like the left side neuropathy that has settled in my left foot. Otherwise, I’m good and my doctors are all happy and if they’re happy, then I am, too.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Oh, kdaddy… I am sorry to hear that there are some lingering (and possibly permanent) side effects from all of this. Please know that you have all of my empathy and that I am thinking of you during all of this. You’ve been through so much on this health journey ❤

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          1. Oh, darling one, I love you even more for being so concerned but the slow healing and potential permanency of somethings were foretold so it’s not a surprise and while it’s literally a pain, I have the access to palliative care that’s helping to take care of the pain and other side effects; I have a team of doctors who are all about fixing the stuff that chemo and radiation put me through so I’m in good hands!

            I’m more concerned with how you’ve been doing…

            Liked by 1 person

            1. It soothes my heart to know that you are in good hands, kdaddy. And thank you for being concerned about me. Despite the weight of Daddy’s health situation, we are doing okay. He’s been approved for transplant and we will be going to one of the best hospitals in the world. There is a long road ahead, but we’ve got a good support team in place, and we have each other ❤

              Liked by 1 person

              1. I’m happy to hear he got approved for the transplant and I pray that everything goes well for him – and for you as you help him recover. Do not hesitate to reach out if you need to talk to someone!

                Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL. Thank you for the input, Prefectdt! Sir does not tolerate any bratty behavior from me, as you well know. But I know that you love to brat it up! We actually do have a system in place where if I have too much happening on a given day, I am to email him and request his permission not to complete the activity that day. While I know that may sound easy…this process is a continual test for me. I find it very difficult to be made to request his permission for this sort of thing. But that is the life of a full-time submissive girl. Thank you for reading 🙂 XOXO

      Liked by 2 people

        1. Don’t worry, my friend. I do brat him on occasion, in my own way. Every time he says something like, “you aren’t too old for a spanking, young lady”, I can’t help but smirk and that smirk says it all. I try very hard to hide it, but Sir sees my naughty grin. XOXO

          Liked by 2 people

      1. Wednesday’s task creates a powerful image/memory of a former partner I had that would like to fuck in front of her lounge windows, where, if anyone had looked in, they would have seen us………..also, the Gorean slave positions I find majorly horny 😉

        Liked by 2 people

            1. Sheesh. As I pondered your question, it became clear to me just how submissive I have become to Sir…as my first thought was…which day is his preference? He has a strong preference for Fridays, at the moment, and me being made to wear the capscaicin cream on my bottom while I run errands and visit with friends. As I love pleasing him, I have come to greatly anticipate completing this exercise for him.

              Liked by 2 people

  3. Suggestion for June: you are required to wear a ball-gag one day per week as part of your obedience/submission exercise régime. Drooling is an inevitable result, of course…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Of course drooling is embarrassing, Nora – it’s intended to be.

    It lets Sir see that his sub is working hard on staying obedient, especially when she crawls to entertain him, all the time resenting the ball-gag that symbolizes her subjugation…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. While it is hard to pass on these kind of ideas to him, StevieO, I will add wearing the ball-gag to the list of ideas he browses for my Exercises in Submission. But you must know… I will secretly be hoping that he passes on this activity! The idea of drooling like this…sighs. The life of a submissive girl. XOXO

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I very much enjoyed reading this, nora. I love the idea of a submission skirt and how there is writing involved with all of these tasks. As a somewhat disorganized person who tends to go from thing to thing without finishing anything (lol) this kind of structure sounds really appealing to me. Thanks for sharing this aspect of your submission.


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